Family and friends are THE most important things in our lives. We wanted to start a blog as a way to keep in touch with family and friends. We will try our very best to keep you updated on our lives, and we would love to hear from you as well. Please feel free to post comments and let us know what is going on in your life as well. We are fortunate to have so many people who we love and love us in return. However, unfortunately you all don't live as near as we'd like. We hope this is a way to make you feel closer to us.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Easton turns 1

1st cake and ice cream at Nanny's house
Easton turned 1 on Feb. 10th. We decided we were not going to have a "big" birthday party, like we did with Ryley to make it easier on us, but instead we complicated our lives by having 3 "small" birthday parties, which meant 3 cakes. We celebrated with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins on Thu Feb 10th and on Sun Feb 13th we had 2 parties, one with Easton's 2nd family, the Valentes, and one with friends later in the day.  Easton was lovin' the cakes but I think 3 was too many. Easton got sick after the parties on Sunday and was sick for another 2 weeks. Pics from all 3 parties below.


Christy's face screams FUN

Ry with her cousin Berkleigh

Ry and Eaton's cousin Hudson

Nanny baked this cake
Cousins Bella and Braxten with matching scars over their right eyes

Ry dressing up, as usual

Easton with Papa, Milt, Grandma Marge and Nanny


Easton got a ton of presents 
The 2nd Cake--Purchased from Harmons

Easton smiling at Mommy 
My favorite picture of us

Fireman Theme 
Can't have a fireman BD without a firetruck 
Rachel and Sun 
Easton with Shelley and Dom

The 3rd Cake--Made by my friend Kim Pennington 
Mmmmm, can't wait for my 3rd cake 
"Do I really have to wear this hat?"
Traylynn, Mac, and Avery 
"I wish, I wish....." 
"Oh this is exhausting." 
Hmmm, feels like the other 2 cakes 
Avery had no problems digging right in  
Kristin and Brett 
"It's my party and I'll cry if I want to" 
Pretty much think Easton was partied out by this point

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