Family and friends are THE most important things in our lives. We wanted to start a blog as a way to keep in touch with family and friends. We will try our very best to keep you updated on our lives, and we would love to hear from you as well. Please feel free to post comments and let us know what is going on in your life as well. We are fortunate to have so many people who we love and love us in return. However, unfortunately you all don't live as near as we'd like. We hope this is a way to make you feel closer to us.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Life with 2 kids

So we've officially survived the first month of life with 2 kids. It's been an adjustment, but it's our reality and we're learning everyday. Here's just a few of our "fun" moments.

1. We took Easton in for his 2 day checkup after discharge from the hospital. They wanted to check his weight and his bilirubin levels because he was jaundice. Thought it was going to be a quick visit so we took Ry with us. 2 year olds don't have a great attention span. After waiting in the doctor's office, Ry did not want to wait for the registration process to have blood drawn. Nicole took Easton in for his blood draw and Christy stayed with Ry. Mind you we are the only people of the 30 people in the waiting room under 70 years old. Ry had a fit, threw a temper tantrum and was screaming, "I want my brother". As Christy tried to calm her she received kicks and slaps to the face and just about tore open her c-section incision while attempting to discipline Ry. You wouldn't believe this behavior was coming from this sweet little thing.

But then again, after you look at the next picture you can see how she has the typical 2 year old attitude. She pretty much does what she wants, when she wants. She lets us know who is boss.

2. Nicole took Ry to the McDonald's playland to keep her busy while Christy went in for a post-op ultrasound. Easton was along for the ride as well. About 10 minutes into the adventure Ry began yelling "Mom I peed my pants" from the TOP of the playland. So Nicole quietly tried to coax Ry down but she refused. "Come get me". Nicole kept explaining she had Easton and couldn't "come get her". After several minutes and getting nowhere with the negotiation Nicole quickly removed her shoes, left Easton in the carrier, and desperately made her way up the tubes to save Ryley. If you are not familiar with these tubes, they are not big enough for 32 year olds to maneuver gracefully up or down while carrying someone soaked in urine. Fortunately, I had spare pants in the diaper bag, but no underwear. This was my white trash realization moment. Had I sunk this low? Going to McDonald's, not ordering food, just playing on playland, my child had peed their pants, was now in pants with no underwear and no socks, I'm leaving my 1 month old alone while I maneuver through a tube 1/2 my size. Please no one call DCFS.

At the end of the day you look at a picture like this and realize this is why you do what you do. These moments are precious and cherished and outweigh the moments described earlier.

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