What's the scariest thing you can think of if you're 2 years old? Hmmm monsters in the closet or under the bed, the dark, loud sounds or ........Firemen? Picture this scenario. Grandpa Heyer bought Ry a "big girl bed" for Christmas, but looking at it, napping in it and jumping on it are much easier than sleeping through the night in it. Needless to say we've tried different tactics to get Ry to sleep in the bed without escaping into our bed in the night. She's even figured out how to dismantle the child "safety locks".
So one night Mama Cole decided to read books and lay in bed with Ry until she fell asleep until we heard some weird noises coming from outside the door. No monsters here, just Fireman Uncle Mike, O2 tank and all. Mike is training at the Fire Academy and had just received his gear from class and wanted to try it out, and who better on than an already terrified 2 year old?
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