Family and friends are THE most important things in our lives. We wanted to start a blog as a way to keep in touch with family and friends. We will try our very best to keep you updated on our lives, and we would love to hear from you as well. Please feel free to post comments and let us know what is going on in your life as well. We are fortunate to have so many people who we love and love us in return. However, unfortunately you all don't live as near as we'd like. We hope this is a way to make you feel closer to us.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


We all know I'm a hypochondriac, but apparently that only applies to my own health and not to my children. Ry came down with a fever last week, started Thursday morning at about 3:45 a.m. and got as high as 104 degrees. At this point, if you know me, you'd have thought I would have called the paramedics or rushed Ry to Primary Children's Hospital. However, I kept my cool and told Christy to wait it out. By the next Monday she still hadn't kicked the fever and my neighbor had come by and scared the crap out of Christy telling her, "Sounds like H1N1 (Swine Flu) to me." So we made an appt. for the doctor the next day.

To be honest with you Ry looked like the healthiest "sick" child in the waiting room. Running around and chattering just like always, but by the time we made it to the room she looked horrible. Turns out both her ears are infected and she has pneumonia. Christy's crying because "we're bad moms" for not taking her in. Lovely.

The doctor decided to start Ry on 2 antibiotics, one for her ears, and one for her lungs. The doctor warned us this may cause diarrhea and advised us to start Ry on Acidopholous to help lessen the blow. This is where the picture comes in. Antibiotics are working great but diarrhea has hit, and hit hard. This is a pic of Ry after I found her in the closet crying this morning. I tried to pick her up since I thought she had peed her pants (we're currently in the process of potty training). I totally spaced it and her put her in "big girl panties" totally forgetting the warning from the pediatrician. Not a pretty scene so tubby time it was.

7 more days of antibiotics to look forward to. Yeah!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Fireman Mike

What's the scariest thing you can think of if you're 2 years old? Hmmm monsters in the closet or under the bed, the dark, loud sounds or ........Firemen? Picture this scenario. Grandpa Heyer bought Ry a "big girl bed" for Christmas, but looking at it, napping in it and jumping on it are much easier than sleeping through the night in it. Needless to say we've tried different tactics to get Ry to sleep in the bed without escaping into our bed in the night. She's even figured out how to dismantle the child "safety locks".

So one night Mama Cole decided to read books and lay in bed with Ry until she fell asleep until we heard some weird noises coming from outside the door. No monsters here, just Fireman Uncle Mike, O2 tank and all. Mike is training at the Fire Academy and had just received his gear from class and wanted to try it out, and who better on than an already terrified 2 year old?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Wish for a Happy Birthday....Denied

If anyone really knows me, then they know that my birthday is my favorite day of the year. I think everyone should think this way. It's THE only day of the year dedicated to ME. I look forward to this day every year, and this year was no different. I went to bed Thursday night Jan. 7th waiting to wake up to my Mom calling me to wish me a Happy Birthday. Instead I woke up to an upset stomach and serious lack of energy. I spent my birthday Friday Jan 8th flat on my back in bed. Christy had to cancel dinner with friends at The Cheesecake Factory (bummer), but to be honest cheesecake was the last thing on my mind at this time. I was hoping this "sickness" was a one day deal but it's now Sunday night the 10th and I'm still dragging. Even took today off work to feel better, but I'm still not myself. So I'm making up a new "birthday" for me in 2010. It will be celebrated this Friday the 15th, that's if I can get feeling better by then. Wish me luck.